I have received some incredible messages recently thanking me for my inspiration. Honestly, sometimes you're not quite sure what others think of what you're posting on social media. It's refreshing to hear that I am making a difference.
I know what it's like to look up to others for inspiration and a sense of peace that time and patience really do make great things happen. Fitness and health do not happen over night, nor do they have an ending. Often times I find myself frustrated with my fitness level, but once I stop and realize that I've only been competing in triathlon (of any distance) for 2 years now it makes me smile and be proud of where I am. I love to follow other athletes and watch their journey. It makes me excited for where I still get to go in this sport.
I look up to my coach and his wife more than they will ever understand, and I trust my sports dietitian 100% and part of that is due to being able to follow her journey and watch her practice what she preaches. Seeing my friends post about their workouts, makes me excited for my own, and just knowing someone else is suffering the same good hurt you are somehow makes it more enjoyable :) So know you are not "stalkerish" or "creepy" for sending a message my way. I look up to others the same way you may look up to me.
So again, THANK YOU. I'm open to all questions. I love getting emails and messages about all things health and fitness related, and will pass on my knowledge to the best of my ability!
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